God and the Machine…

God and the Machine… April 25, 2012

…is a fellow member of the Leah Libresco Fan Club and laments the overwhelming number of Napoleon Dynamites with a mean streak who are the Face of Internet Atheism.

I would be curious to hear Leah’s take. As a Catholic, I sometimes get, well, bored listening to the umpteenth argument about some neuralgic topic like “You can’t read the Bible without Sacred Tradition” (and I agree with that and wrote a whole book on it). I get even more bored with hearing Catholics saying things that ain’t so (“You must believe and profess your faith in Our Lady of Medjugorje!” or “No True Catholic opposes the death penalty!”). So I sometimes wonder how stupefyingly boring it must get for a really sharp mind like Leah’s to have to endure the same cramped round of bad reasoning, bad faith, and anti-social behavior from her compatriots on the atheist community. Does she ever get sick of it and toy with the idea of throwing cautioin to the winds and becoming a nun just to make the A******s for Atheism freak out as I sometime toy with posting a Youtube of some dreadful choir singing the horrible “Anthem” just to make my Rad Trad critics faint and awaken confirmed in their conviction that I am secretly a pro-abortion, Obama loving, Spirit of Vatican II, liturgical dancing, Gaia worshipping flake?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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