So over at I’ve got a Gospel reflection up today, and it’s really good. But here’s the real thing that happened this morning: I opened the readings, and I was all over Maccabees. How timely given recent world events! I really need to sit down and read Maccabees! I really need to review my history of the Greek occupation! What a providential reading, Lord.
Then I ran through the psalm, awfully fast, kinda nodding, sure yeah, that fits. Psalm always fits, you know?
And then I hit the Gospel, and I’m like, “Oh yeah, the blind guy, yadda yadda yadda . . .” and I kid you not, epic Lectio fail to exceed all fails, I skimmed the thing and ran. And I had to seriously force myself just to skim the thing.
I think probably we’re not supposed to talk about that in pro-Catholic world. So my, isn’t it interesting that the time I actually sat down and bothered to pray over that exact same passage, I wrote this:
Lord, sometimes I feel like the “before” situation of the blind man. I’m stuck, I’m lost, I’m desperate, and I can’t see my way out of my situation. People around me are telling me to shut up and put up. Help me! Can You come to me today, and give me what I need? I want to follow You and praise You. Help me to be able to do that. Amen.
You can read the whole thing here. Meanwhile, when we do that thing at the start of Mass where we publicly admit we’re wretched sinners, now you know I’m not just saying the words.