April 15, 2024

Birds build nests. But only recently did I see a pair of mockingbirds in the process of deconstructing a robin’s nest. I saw it happen gradually just outside my front window in the dogwood tree. I was interested for one reason only. The nest stayed empty and unused for the previous three years. Instead of merely reusing the nest, the pair took it apart twig by twig and stem by stem to build their own in a nearby bush. Perhaps,... Read more

March 26, 2024

I was glad the theater seat was comfortable. The documentary I watched was not. God & Country can spoil popcorn. It is one of many developments that are spoiling church life. No matter how much complaining we offer the question of what is to be done remains. I sat with some others in a discussion about it yesterday. Up until that time, removing myself from the company of White Christian Nationalists was my favorite option. My second favorite was to... Read more

March 12, 2024

What is left to us now? He asked me. Rage, I replied. The exchange (my summation of a longer discussion) between Hirsch and Chaim from The Quarrel sticks with me. The argument is over tradition. The question concerns what can the Jewish people turn to after the Holocaust? At what point does anger turn to rage? At what point does rage become all-consuming violence? Divine Rage The recent self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell — a young active duty U.S. Airman —... Read more

March 4, 2024

Are embryos human beings? This is the question recently answered by the Alabama Supreme Court. In Alabama, a fertilized human ovum is a human being. Chief Justice Tom Parker did not rely on science or the law for his conclusion. He decided to use biblical quotes and appealed to the holiness of God for his conclusion. The Bible and Christian fundamentalist theology are his ultimate sources of legal authority. Lawyer Theology Lawyers by definition are legalists. When fundamentalist lawyers begin... Read more

February 10, 2024

How should a person live each day? There is merit to the adage that each day should be lived as if it was the last one. But seriously, how many people have live Saturday the same as they live Monday? I cannot answer how I would spend my final twenty-four hour period of my life. But I can answer how I would like to spend each day. Pray and Meditate Each Day I pray and read scripture and devotional literature... Read more

February 1, 2024

The Christian concept of God does not allow for a monologue. God is a dialogue. This thought becomes more clear as we read scripture. The two other Abrahamic religions – Judaism and Islam – depict God as being in dialogue with the creation. The Bible describes this as well. Which is one reason it is difficult to wrap our heads around the idea. We Monologue As Dialogue Catch me talking to myself, and I may claim it is the only intelligent... Read more

January 20, 2024

The prophet Elijah was instructed to find Elisha, and anoint him as a prophet who will one day take his place. When he finds Elisha, he is plowing a field with eleven hired hands. They are each behind a plow pulled by an ox. Elijah passes by him and throws his mantle onto Elisha. The prophet is calling him away from his family and wealth into a life of prophecy. Elisha slaughters his oxen, breaks up his wooden equipment to... Read more

January 15, 2024

Isaiah and Micah include a well-known prophetic utterance. The second chapter of Isaiah and the fourth chapter of Micah talk about contentment in the reign of God. The words in common claim “they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” Micah goes on with these words, “but they shall all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees,... Read more

January 4, 2024

Integrity, when offered for sale, always sells for too little. In a world where security is the paramount virtue, Christians often trade our commitment to love others for acceptance by someone else. We find ourselves glorifying “friends” to maintain a good reputation among them. We wish to avoid accusations that threaten our security. And we wish to have enough or more than enough money to do things that we deem important. Why is this the case? Why do pastors lead... Read more

December 21, 2023

Joy is a central part of Christmas celebrations. So I was sad when I heard Christmas celebrations were cancelled in Bethlehem this year. It is not the saddest I have ever been. But then again, it is impossible for me to imagine the threat under which some Christians live. I cannot imagine being forced out of my ancestral home, losing my culture and community, and threatened with death because I exist. How can people in such circumstances find joy? Is... Read more

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