October 24, 2022

Is Black Adam a good guy or a bad guy? The answer? Yes. And while that both/and answer manifests itself in a less-than-perfect movie, it comes with an interesting spiritual wrinkle. In the movie, Black Adam (played by perennial good guy Dwayne Johnson) hails from the ancient (and fictional) civilization of Kahndaq, which had its heyday around 5,000 years ago. He was known as Teth-Adam back then. And like the hero we know of as Shaza, he drew his powers... Read more

September 25, 2022

It’s a Sunday in September, and for lots of Americans, that means football. NBC’s Sunday Night Football has been the No. 1 show in primetime for the last 11 years, and tonight around 15 million of us will tune in tonight for a fairly ho-hum game between the Denver Broncos and San Francisco 49ers. Tens of millions more will watch at least one NFL game this week. Football is unquestioned king in the U.S., and the media knows it. About 5,000... Read more

September 9, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II died yesterday at the age of 96. She reigned for 70 years, beginning in 1953 when she was just 25. For most of us, she’d been the only British monarch we’d ever known. It’s hard to fathom how different the world was when her reign began—when an 18-year-old Elvis Presley cut his very first record, when Apple founder Steve Jobs was two years from being born. In a time sick with change, she was a constant. And... Read more

September 1, 2022

Amazon’s Prime Video is set to trot out its lavish series, Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power this Friday. Amazon reportedly spent $465 million on the eight-episode series (making it the most expensive television show ever), and it looks it. The show’s not entirely true to J.R.R. Tolkien, from what I gather. It takes place in Middle Earth’s 3,000-year-long Second Age (The Lord of the Rings trilogy takes place in the Third), and most characters the casual Tolkien... Read more

August 8, 2022

It rains movies in August. The summer’s big blockbusters have come and gone, and studios are desperately trying to snag a few more ticket sales or a few more eyeballs on TV screens before the kids go back to school and footballs fill the air. And that can lead to some pleasant surprises. Take Luck, a G-rated animated film on Apple TV+. Admittedly, Luck comes with baggage before you even flip it on. Former Pixar wizard John Lasseter—who left Pixar... Read more

July 21, 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder is all about gods. Not God: gods. If you’ve seen it, you know. You see literally hundreds of them here—maybe thousands. They fill a massive auditorium in Omnipotence City, the decadent meeting place for galactic deities. Admittedly, earth seems to have way more than its fair share of representatives there: You see some Incan and Mayan gods at the corners, and the Greek god Zeus (played by a rather dough-like Russell Crowe) leads the whole caboodle,... Read more

June 17, 2022

Give the doc its props: Stay Prayed Up is as good as its name. It opens with a prayer, it closes in prayer and it’s filled with prayer—spoken or sung—throughout. As a kid tells us at the very outset, “If you guys love church, this event is really churchy.” And it’s churchy in the best, most melodic of ways. Stay Prayed Up, now in limited theatrical release, introduces us to Lena Mae Perry, founder and driving force of the gospel... Read more

June 10, 2022

Kamala Khan is just an ordinary teen with an extraordinary twist. Is it her powers? Her ability to stretch or create matter out of thin air? Nah. We’re talking about Marvel, after all. You can’t throw a rock in Times Square in the Marvel Cinematic Universe without hitting a superpowered individual. And given that Kamala is the protagonist of an MCU show called Ms. Marvel, well, the biggest twist would be if she didn’t have superpowers. No, what makes Kamala... Read more

May 26, 2022

Alex Garland might be one of the most provocative directors working right now. His works can feel like enigmatic fever dreams: You might not know exactly what Garland’s saying, but boy, is he saying it with conviction. Garland began his directorial career with the much-lauded Ex Machina, featuring a very unusual lover’s triangle that mulls consciousness and humanity. He followed that up with Annihilation, which might just be the strangest alien invasion story ever told. Devs, an eight-part miniseries on... Read more

May 9, 2022

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness gobbled up a whole multiverse of money this weekend. It earned $185 million and shows little signs of slowing. Too bad it wasn’t really that great. You can read my Plugged In review of the Multiverse of Madness here, and I may have more to say about Doctor Strange et al in this space later. But for now, I wanted to mention a movie that just might be the ultimate in counter-programming. No... Read more

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