July 5, 2023

Online scriptures are an important part of my regular worship. Do you remember the saying “If you want to talk to God, pray? And if you want God to talk to you, read the scriptures?” That is a very true statement. There are many times I will be reading my scriptures and thoughts will come into my head. The thoughts don’t always relate to the scriptures I’m reading. But they often answer personal concerns, and they always give me peace.... Read more

July 4, 2023

I love Independence Day! The fireworks, parties, and celebrations are all wonderful. But did you know that America’s independence was foretold in the Book of Mormon? I will show you, and I have added a few parentheses to help you see what I mean. In 1 Nephi 13: 16-19 it says: 16 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld that the Gentiles who had gone forth out of captivity (The Early Settlers) did humble themselves before the Lord;... Read more

July 2, 2023

Father’s Day is celebrated in every US congregation of the LDS church. And like any holiday, each family has their own traditions they add to the celebration. Typically on Father’s Day Sunday, there is a special service. Those giving talks discuss their view of the importance of fathers and father figures. And like every Sunday, we also remember our Heavenly Father, who is the ultimate example of a perfect father figure.  Father’s Day at church After the Father’s Day service,... Read more

June 21, 2023

Parenting is a vital and significant job. And for the LDS faith, parenting has eternal significance. We believe we lived before this Earthly existence. We lived with God in a family unit encompassing all of us- one giant family. God is the father of our spirits. And His example is one we try to follow as parents. God organized us into family units to help strengthen and support us on our earthly and eternal journeys. Parenting is a natural progression... Read more

June 14, 2023

I was a honeymoon baby. For those unfamiliar with the term, I was born exactly 9 months after my parents got married. I never anticipated that I would have any struggles with infertility or that I would need a miracle to get to be a mother. When I got married I assumed I needed to be careful so I could get to know my husband a little bit before we started our family.  My parents never told me that my... Read more

September 12, 2022

The night our tree came down was very stormy and windy. A huge thunderstorm blew in and literally shook the house. There were a few gusts strong enough to move the walls. I was worried it would take off the roof, or damage our fences. And I prayed God would watch over us. And then I remembered the big trash can was still out in the front yard. The last storm had thrown it down the street. So I opened... Read more

September 3, 2022

From the beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members have been great examples of hard work. Most of them converted to the church and immediately traveled across an ocean and then a continent to be with the Saints. They weren’t afraid of leaving behind everything to live their faith. They traveled across rough and uninhabited lands, and endured mobs and angry neighbors. They carved a beautiful valley in Salt Lake out of scrub brush and clay... Read more

August 6, 2022

I really struggled to get to be a mother. I lost my first baby a year into my marriage. My husband and I were in a college town surrounded by new families and many new babies. It was literally Hell. I had been raised in a big family, one of six children. My mom was raised Catholic and then joined the Mormon church and she and my Dad planned to have a dozen, but the Dr made her stop at... Read more

August 5, 2022

The Book of Mormon is a beautiful saga of one family who founded a nation. Everyone in South America is descended from this family. But the story is not as simple as that. So let me explain. By Two Or Three Witnesses In the Bible, God spoke to prophets and instructed them to write His words. As they did so, they preserved sacred instructions that lead us to become more godly people. Because God loves all His children, He did... Read more

July 27, 2022

Before discussing Mormon beliefs, I must clarify that “Mormon” is a slang term for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The church’s name has Jesus’s name in it, and we are very Christian. Some people in the past thought we worship Mormon because of that nickname. In fact, I remember growing up in the Bible Belt and having a friend’s parents tell her she couldn’t play with me because I wasn’t Christian. Jesus means so much to me.... Read more

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