December 18, 2022

2022 is drawing to a close! This year has zoomed by. For me, it’s been so chock-full of stuff that I feel like last December was just yesterday. (This blog post is really my attempt at making a “Christmas newsletter”.) Picture Perfect This was an intense year of discovering what I’m looking for in life and what I want to let go of. Especially in terms of job aspirations! I’m so glad I got the chance (multiple times across different... Read more

November 19, 2022

This autumn has been a season of peace and a time for letting go. For many of us, 2022 has been a roller coaster. For me, it’s been an especially wild journey of learning what I want for my future and also learning the definition of stability. I owe God, my family, and my friends big for getting me through the lowest points of this year. The first half of 2022 was a haphazard journey that involved severe financial strain... Read more

October 5, 2022

My favorite Catholic saint is Saint Faustina, the wonderful, kind soul who heard wisdom directly from Jesus about His Divine Mercy. October 5th is her feast day! Even as a non-Catholic, St. Faustina and her feast day mean a lot to me. Learning About Saint Faustina Check out this great video on St. Faustina by the YouTube Channel Divine Mercy: Jesus shared with St. Faustina profound messages about what His Mercy entails. St. Faustina wrote about these revelations in her Diary,... Read more

September 18, 2022

Content/Trigger Warning: Discussion of Suicide/Suicide Attempts September is Suicide Awareness Month. Christianity has often done a shoddy job of approaching this sensitive topic. Some Christian groups and speakers choose to shame suicide victims and refuse to discuss God’s mercy in regard to this tragedy. Historical Christian Views on Suicide It’s been uncomfortable for me, this process of digging into the old views of certain Christian authorities against suicide. “What a mess” isn’t quite sufficient. I’ve been reading this article by Religion... Read more

August 30, 2022

Jesus mourns the choice of even one soul refusing to let go of their sins, a fate that nobody has to choose for themselves. Read more

August 29, 2022

Arwen’s refusal to give up her hope for a future with Aragorn was captured in Howard Shore’s piece “The Grace of Undómiel”. This theme plays in The Return of the King when Arwen sees a vision of her son, Eldarion, and goes to confront her father for withholding her full future from her. Renée Fleming lends her beautiful soprano voice to the Elvish lyrics here, singing of Arwen’s wavering light amid the darkness of despair. The YouTube channel Monoverantus excels in analyzing the... Read more

August 12, 2022

Arwen Undómiel in the "Lord of the Rings" film trilogy reminds us of the importance of holding onto hope, even when despair seems inevitable. Read more

August 6, 2022

With National Friendship Day coming up, we have ample reason to reflect on the Bible's lessons on what makes both good and bad friends. Read more

August 5, 2022

Addressing the issue of whether or not slavery is condoned in the Bible is a hot (and at times, nasty) debate. Some verses seem to outright condone it. Read more

July 28, 2022

Galadriel giving Frodo the Light of Eärendil serves as a beautiful analogy for giving others hope in the battle against depression. Read more

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