October 9, 2018

It seems that every day, there is more and more talk of “social justice.” All of a sudden, everyone wants to become a warrior. Joining this movement seems to be the trendy thing to do – like drinking pumpkin spice lattes or fighting with strangers on social media. The term itself was first used around 1840 by Catholics, so the expression isn’t as fresh as some people think. But, in many ways, it has been repurposed. For some, social justice is connected... Read more

October 6, 2018

After a very heated period of time…it is done. Associate Justice Kavanaugh it is. This was a tough one for many people. Personally, I found Dr. Ford to be credible and compelling. I also found Judge Kavanaugh to be. He has previously gone through 6 FBI investigations (and they don’t just talk to people who like you) and answered hundreds of questions. During all of that time, there were no concerns whatsoever related to the accusations raised by Ford and... Read more

September 23, 2018

All this focus on the season change from summer to fall has got my thinking about another kind of changing seasons. These changes don’t trigger coughing and congestion, but they can pose other problems: questioning, discontentment, stress, even anxiety. You see – the seasons of our lives change (sometimes frequently), and if we’re not prepared, these changes can bring about upsetting or conflicting thoughts and feelings. We’ve all heard the expression “this is just for a season.” Whether it’s related... Read more

September 9, 2018

As babies become toddlers and toddlers become children, the males among them start to receive the message that they need to stop crying. This is all a part of the process of growing up and, in fact, “manning up.” At least, that’s what they’re told. The reality is, the bullies who call the boys “crybabies” are wrong. It is not babyish to cry. At least, not all of the time. Sure, we need to help children learn to manage or... Read more

August 30, 2018

Church, it’s past time we started recognizing mental illness as illness. Just like any other illness. Honestly, it gets weary speaking with Christian leaders who question whether or not seeking mental health treatment is appropriate for Christ followers. Yet, I will continue to do so because it is critically important. And my response is quite simple: Do you tell those with diabetes to stop taking insulin? Do you tell cancer patients not to pursue surgery? Do you tell someone with... Read more

August 27, 2018

Another mass shooting took place over the weekend. This time, at a place I visited many times while living in Jacksonville, FL as a newlywed 15 years ago. The Jacksonville Landing is a beautiful river front hub for shopping and dining. This particular shooting gets right  at the heart of the problem we are facing. No, it’s not really about gun violence and gun control. It’s about the devaluing of life. ********************************************************************************* I walked into my office this morning ready... Read more

August 25, 2018

Senator John McCain died today. Brain cancer wasn’t the first battle McCain has fought. He served in the United States Navy – and was a Prisoner of War (POW) for five and a half years during the Vietnam War. What impresses me the most about his time as a POW is that he refused to be given preferential treatment – including an early release – just because his father was an Admiral (as was his grandfather). After retiring as a... Read more

August 22, 2018

NOTE: This is a modified blog from one I previously wrote and posted elsewhere. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) contains the names, descriptions, diagnostic criteria, etc. of current recognized mental health disorders. There has been a debate as to whether or not to continue to include a diagnosis for someone who is born one gender but identifies as the other,. For now, the current diagnostic term used is Gender Dysphoria. The name was changed from disorder to dysphoria in the... Read more

August 14, 2018

My last blog post was an attempt at humor. I’m not sure it landed, but I do know that laughter is good for the soul. I’ve always loved humor. I use it in teaching (in part to help students relax) and, when appropriate, I use it in counseling. I use it for myself too. Some of my favorite speakers and writers are the ones that make me laugh. In fields such as social work and counseling, we talk about self-care. Shrieking... Read more

August 4, 2018

As a parent, there is a lot to be concerned about. The world is filled with scary stuff. We all watch the news, and know what our children are facing. They don’t even have to be said. Who really wants a reminder anyway? But, as my only child nears 20 months, I have figured out the real enemy our children face. I know, I know. What makes me an expert on the topic as a fairly new mama? Who am... Read more

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