October 3, 2022

Distressed by the intransigence of the Pharisees, Jesus asked them why they could read and predict weather patterns but couldn’t see the signs of the times (God symbols). Read more

October 3, 2022

“How many ways does Source speak to us?’ and “How many of these do we understand?’ Read more

June 21, 2022

So I ask myself: Who is God? And, how can I love Him/Her? As a child, it was easy. Read more

June 7, 2022

Since the dawn of history, life has followed one particular dynamic, crudely summarized as “looking out for # 1”  or, as it is more formally known, “survival of the fittest” in an environment that is often hostile and unforgiving. Read more

December 1, 2021

Prayer is generally thought of as some sort of request, petition, entreaty - or an expression of praise or gratitude - by someone of lesser power, to an entity or agency with greater power. Read more

November 17, 2021

There is a euphemism often used in the Judeo-Christian world to refer to certain parts of the bible. The phrase is “the difficult passages.” Read more

August 25, 2021

On August 18, 2020, I was forced by the Walbridge Fire in Sonoma County, California to evacuate my home. For twelve very stressful days, I wondered if I would have a home to go back to. Read more

August 3, 2021

If at this stage, our post-pandemic goal, personally or as a society, is simply to get back to an “old normal” existence, in the long term Big Picture, is that sufficient reason to be? Read more

July 20, 2021

In this version of the Hindu trinity, I want to explore Shiva energy as a springboard for understanding and transcending our current global situation. Read more

July 13, 2021

A huge part of the ‘problem’ of understanding the Trinity is that we are operating with a translation from both the Greek language and the Greek culture. Read more

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