March 21, 2016

Stephen Prothero is a Professor in the Department of Religion at Boston University and a very prominent voice in how religion is engaged in public life in the United States. He is the author of several formative books including American Jesus, Religious Literacy, and God is not One.  Prothero was the keynote speaker at the 2011 Mormon Studies conference at Utah Valley University. Not a Mormon himself, he has written extensively about Mormons and his tone toward Latter-day Saints is... Read more

February 8, 2016

I teach religion to university students and a new semester began one month ago. I stood before my classes and, among many other announcements and greetings, explained: “If you are gay, you are 150% welcome in this classroom.” I’ve said this before during other semesters but perhaps the stakes are higher this semester. Unbeknownst to me, one of my students tweeted my comments. He tweeted that he appreciated the inclusiveness. He later told me that the response to the tweet... Read more

December 25, 2015

If you have yet to see this video, take a look now. For those that have seen it you likely will not be surprised by the broad appeal of this beautifully scripted and crafted commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Media observers identify the piece in the top-ten most popular presentations of this Christmas season. Here is a link to the story on and access to the video is also provided there. Merry Christmas! Read more

December 23, 2015

This Pew Research report is very interesting. Take a look. Read more

December 23, 2015

It is December 23, 2015, Joseph Smith’s 210th birthday. He led a remarkable life. A praiseworthy life. I praise Joseph. I don’t worship him—that adoration is reserved for God alone. But I praise Joseph the way I praise Paul, Peter, Abraham, Ruth, and Deborah. Why this praise? Here are just a few reasons: *He redefined conceptions of the Godhead to align with biblical texts. *He opened the scriptural canon which had been closed for centuries. *He “translated” the biblical text... Read more

December 21, 2015

A memorable year. Unfortunately, many of the memories are attached to tragic events of terror, war, and human suffering. Review images—contemplate.   Read more

December 20, 2015

Mormons have 13 Articles of Faith and Sikhs have 5 Articles of Faith. For Mormons that means thirteen clear and concise statements of belief. For Sikhs that means five physical articles that directly remind a very committed Sikh of their most cherished beliefs. The five Articles of Faith of Sikhism are: Hair & Beard (not to be cut or trimmed) Turban (a woman may wear a turban or a scarf as a head covering) Comb Sword (short) Pant (usually worn... Read more

December 18, 2015

Dr. Larycia Hawkins is a professor of political science at Wheaton University in Chicago. Wheaton is arguably the most prominent Evangelical institution of higher learning in the United States. She wore a hijab to show solidarity with persecuted Muslims in America. That, in and of itself, was not a problem. However, according to university administrators her demonstration also includes statements that communicate that Allah and Jesus Christ are both God. On theological grounds, this is entirely unacceptable to the university’s... Read more

December 17, 2015

Well, it has already happened. It is reported to me that a Utah Valley man stood before his ward at the ward Christmas party and declared: “Santa is not real, he is a myth.” Parents gasped, many children just didn’t hear or understand, perhaps some heard and understood. Either way, last I checked, it was not a typical duty of a Mormon MC to let this proverbial cat out of the bag. Perhaps he was motivated by recent comments of... Read more

December 16, 2015

This article nicely summarizes a reality—you’re not going to be killed by a terrorist or terrorists. Even so, millions of people have rushed out to buy guns since the terrible mass murders in California so that they can defend themselves against the “Muslim menace.” This is an American reflex if there ever was one. It is not particularly rational. So, those who are new to the gun world, put down your gun. The odds are in your favor that a... Read more

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