“Don’t Get Over the Gospel” Ann Voskamp

“Don’t Get Over the Gospel” Ann Voskamp September 5, 2014

HOPEREBORN_ann vonkampFor the next few days I am going to share some things that others have made about my new book Hope Reborn, and use them to help explain why I am so excited about the book, which is just days away now from general release in the UK and USA.

I will begin with Ann Voskamp who is one of my heroes. I love everything that she stands for, and she immediately got to the heart of what we were trying to achieve with the book.

One of the risks with our book is that Christians may see the subtitle, “How to Become a Christian and Live for Jesus” and assume that this book is not for them. The truth is that many of us allow ourselves to drift away from the Gospel. Our goal in writing was not only to provide a simple resource that assumes nothing, and so can help someone become a Christian, but also to help old-timers see the wonder of the Gospel afresh. Ann expresses this much more poetically than I ever could:

Ann-Voskamp“Sometimes I wonder if we see the Gospel simply as our door into God’s presence instead of regarding the Gospel as our only air in God’s presence. We don’t get over the Gospel, but rather we spend a lifetime allowing God to get the Gospel into us. This book brilliantly does just that. It simply takes you powerfully into what we all desperately need and never stop needing: Hope. The realest, deepest, truest Hope. If you need some Hope — and, honestly, who doesn’t? — I humbly, earnestly recommend these pages to you as real water.”
Ann Voskamp – author of the New York Times Bestsellers, One Thousand Gifts & The Greatest Gift annvoskamp.com

If Hope Reborn offers “real water” it is because the book explains the Gospel, which is life to our souls. I wonder if there may be some reading who are honest enough to admit that the good news of Jesus has become a bit stale to you, as in the past it has at times for me. If so then I trust Hope Reborn will awaken your own soul to the wonders of the Gospel, and be a tool you will want to give to others.

“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalm 119:103

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” Romans 1:16

My friend Frank Viola also made a similar point about the need for us not to lose the hope that the Gospel brings. Lets remember, we can never afford to get over the Gospel.

Frank-Viola“This book will help newcomers to the faith discover where hope is born and it will help seasoned believers to remember how not to lose it.”
Frank Viola – bestselling author of God’s Favorite Place on Earth and Jesus Now, frankviola.org


  • I wonder, do you agree that it is easy to let the Gospel slip away?
  • How have you found the Gospel itself encourages you in your Christian Walk?

Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, and share this post on Facebook or Twitter to encourage your friends not to allow themselves to get over the gospel.


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