November 18, 2016

Ok, so there will be a lot of original music today (this is part of what I’ve been doing as blogging becomes more of a hobby, that and teaching). Here’s one that cracked me up the other day, so hopefully it will put a smile on your face… …because there’s also some really bad news today too.  #TrumpsAmerica Read more

November 15, 2016

So Trump promised to “drain the swamp”, but has started putting all his cronies into power like Steven Bannon, Newt Gingrich, and Rudy Guiliani. Fancy that. Which is why stories saying Ben Carson was likely to become the Secretary of Education were particularly troublesome. However, Carson has said he won’t take such a position: Carson ally Armstrong Williams told the Hill that the retired pediatric neurosurgeon would serve only as an unofficial adviser. Fox News confirmed the report. While Carson... Read more

November 15, 2016

Here’s a happy story we all probably need right now. In 2015 a group called, brace yourselves, Citizens for Objective Public Education filed a lawsuit claiming that education standards in Kansas were favoring atheism by teaching the science behind evolution and climate change. Y’know, objective public education. Anyway, judges at every level dismissed the case. It turns out that it’s the job of public schools to teach science, not to lie about what science confirms to avoid hurting religious feelings... Read more

November 9, 2016

First, Ed Brayton beautifully captured how I feel this morning: So many emotions this morning, but the primary one is shame. I am ashamed of this country for electing Trump president. It was a common refrain during the campaign to say in response to Trump’s behavior “that’s not who we are as a country.” Well guess what? Yes it is. It is who we are. A majority of this country are easily-frightened by perceived but non-existent threats to the tribe,... Read more

November 8, 2016

SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM FOR THE MOST RECENT POST Welp, here it is, and here is where I will be parked in a state of increasing drunkenness into the day/night. I’ll do my best to respond to reader questions in the comments and on twitter. We start with good news: 538 has Clinton at almost 72% to win the election, and that is on an upward trend. The upward trend is important is because that percentage was gleaned from pulls... Read more

November 7, 2016

Part of what I do with my day is watch political rallies live and, let me tell you, Trump does a lot of them. It’s the same shit over and over, and I find myself longing for sweet release from the burden of life less than five minutes in. But sure enough, when the plane lands at the next destination I’m tuning in to the train wreck. So I got to see this just as soon as FBI Director (and... Read more

November 7, 2016

The election is tomorrow. We need this: Munchkin follows human step for step Read more

November 6, 2016

This is one of the most powerful pieces of political commentary I’ve ever seen. CNN’s Fareed Zakaria explains why he will be voting against Donald Trump on Tuesday: And if you’re the type who doesn’t base their political positions on facts and such, here’s a bunch of celebrities singing a funny, but poignant song about why you should vote for Hillary: Read more

November 5, 2016

November 6th is the day of the annual Extra Life fundraiser. The gist is that people all around the world game in our own particular way (video games, board games, you name it!) and ask people for donations to fight childhood diseases. An example of using incentives for donations: last year my wife swapped costumes for every donation as she streamed League of Legends. Over the years gamers have raised over $22 million to fight things like cystic fibrosis. Once again,... Read more

November 1, 2016

Scott Walker, the Republican governor of Wisconsin, tossed out a tweet this morning: If you like the past 8 years, vote @HillaryClinton. — Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) November 1, 2016 And you can probably guess how Twitter, to the delight of Hillary Clinton, is reacting to it. Walker, in only Republican-happy Wisconsin, is polling at 46%: You can bet that nationwide Walker’s approval is significantly lower. Obama, on the other hand, is at 54% nationwide. Which is why when Trump... Read more

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